Jorge Vera, DDS

Professor of Endodontics
University of Tlaxcala
2:00 pm
Saturday, February 1, 2014  
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Fairmont Hotel Dallas, Texas
“Current Concepts and Controversies in Root Canal Irrigation and Disinfection”
Elimination of organic tissue and biofilm from the root canal system especially within fins and oval extensions remains a difficult task when performing root canal therapy. Understanding the hydrodynamics of irrigants when delivered intracanal, chemical interactions and the controversial use of intracanal medicaments become extremely important issues with regards to improving the potential for healing of the periapical tissues.
Attendees will learn:
  1. How to describe the hydrodynamics involved inside the root canal during irrigation to improve intra canal irrigating solution’s action through the use of  active irrigation techniques.
  2. To discuss some research studies regarding intra canal elimination of biofilm as well as applying a strategy for treating teeth with apical periodontitis.