Venkat Canakapalli, MDS
Private Practice
Tauranga, New Zealand
3:40 p.m.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
International Academy of Endodontics Annual Meeting
The Rosen Plaza Hotel
Orlando, Florida, USA
Define "dirty"
How can we ascertain the threshold for ideal cleaning and define what is considered dirty? The answer to the question remains a subject of ongoing debate within clinical endodontics. My understanding of this topic has changed over time through experience and learning from this membership. Some have adopted technology, while others rely on traditional techniques. In this presentation, I will summarize the experience of technology users, their recommendations, my protocols, and the rationale behind them.
Major Topics:
Irrigation. Microbiology.
Learning Objectives:
- Can we rely on traditional irrigation methods?
- Is enhanced irrigation now the standard of care?
- Simple guidelines before you get new technology.
Affiliations: None
DISCLOSURE: Dr. Canakapalli has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
About the presenter:
Venkat Canakapalli completed his Master's Degree in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in Chennai, India in 1999. He moved to Tauranga, New Zealand, and started his practice limited to Endodontics in 2007.