“Neuroplasticity: Gerrymandering the Boundaries That Define Us”
Our view of the brain is evolving from one of ensembles of hard-wired nerve cell circuits in restricted locations. This lecture explores why the architecture of the brain, from molecular to cellular, from scaffolding to coding elements, can best be described as a dynamically reconfiguring system. Topics include: Major neural reorganizations as a result of modifying sensory experience and the recent discovery of vast waves of calcium influx into extensive systems of astrocytes that envelope and communicate with ensembles of neurons.
Attendees will learn:
Significant changes in our views of the functional organization of the brain.
That the brain is best viewed as a dynamically reconfigurable system.
That use and disuse are key to significant structural changes in the functions served by various brain regions. The roles of sensory systems and chronic pain in neural reorganization are presently under intense investigation.
DISCLOSURE: Dr. Kater has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.