Saturday, July 1, 2017
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Scottsdale Princess
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
“Allostatic Loading and Dental Pain”
Endodontists are often challenged with cases of atypical pain that can mimic a toothache of endodontic origin. Some of those patients can be difficult to diagnose and are often refractory to common treatment modalities. Some of these cases of unusual pain patterns or atypical postoperative recovery may have a basic physiologic etiology, and this presentation aims to propose a possible explanation for a subcategory of of patients that often present with exaggerated inflammatory conditions. A possible intervention strategy to manage this patient type with case examples will also be presented.
Attendees will learn:
Understand allostatic loading and discuss the connection with autonomic dysfunction and the possible relationship to dental pain.
How physiologic stress influences CO2 levels with effects on tissue oxygenation and physiology via the Bohr effect.
Case review of odontalgia managed by addressing autonomic dysfunction via respiratory biofeedback.