Scott Sutter, DDS, MS
Private Practice
Sparks, Nevada, USA
3:55 p.m.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Scottsdale Princess Resort
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
“Facial Pain and Endodontics: Diagnosis and Treatment"
This talk will discuss the types of facial pain that can mimic endodontic pain
Etiology of non-odontogenic orofacial pain
Diagnosing endodontic versus orofacial pain
Diagnosing endodontic versus orofacial pain
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how to diagnose orofacial pain versus endodontic pain
- Understand the predictive signs and symptoms of orofacial pain
- Know when to refer and to what specialty
About the Presenter:
Dr. Scott Sutter was raised in Sacramento and attended the University of the Pacific for both his bachelor's and DDS degrees. Upon graduation, he spent a year in Minneapolis at a graduate practice residency focused on treating medically complex patients. He then attended St. Louis University to specialize in Endodontics and received a Master's in Science for his work on radiology and perception.
Dr. Sutter is the owner and founder of Northern Nevada Endodontics in Sparks, NV, and is known for diagnosing and treating orofacial pain in addition to conservative endodontics. In his free time, he spends time with his wife, daughter, and two dogs.