- Why is a physical therapist a key member of your collaborative team to resolve non-odontalgic tooth pain, orofacial pain and dysfunction.
What does an orofacial pain/CCTT physical therapist evaluate? We assess both structurally and functionally to identify root cause.
Who are the patients that would benefit from being referred to a CCTT physical therapist?
How does a physical therapist treat an orofacial pain patient? What are the treatment strategies (tools in the tool box) and skills (manual, neuromuscular) does a PT have to treat and resolve your patient's pain and/or dysfunction? - Where do you find a PT who knows how to evaluate and treat your orofacial pain patients?
What role does airway and the tongue contribute to orofacial pain and TMD patient? - Co-existing conditions that are common and predispose a patient to orofacial pain.
Case studies as examples of key collaborative outcomes with dentists and endodontists.
Carol graduated in 1980 from Russell Sage College, Troy, New York with a BS in Physical Therapy. She started working with myofascial expert Dr. David Zohn who introduced her to Dr. Janet Travell, a pioneer MD in diagnosing and treating myofascial pain using trigger point injections along with physical therapy as part pf a patient’s medical management.
Carol went on and trained extensively with Dr. Travell and colleague David Simmons MD and worked 4 years in a department that specialized in treating myofascial pain and fibromyalgia. In 1987 in understanding the use of needles to relieve muscle pain, Carol went to Beijing, China and attended the International Acupuncture Training Center to become certified to practice acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1989 -1993 Carol trained with TMJ expert Mariano Rocabado, PT from Chile. Carol started her private practice physical therapy in 1989 with a specialty in chronic soft tissue pain, TMD, and oral facial pain. In 1992/93 Carol was one of 7 physical therapists, along with over 40 licensed dentists and orthodontists to attend the year long Oral Facial Pain, and TMD dental program at UMDNJ (now Rutgers). She was in the first group of 15 PT‘s to sit and pass the national board exams in 2008 to become a CCTT (Certified Cervical Temporomandibular Therapist). In 2010, upon learning physical therapists would be allowed to perform Dry Needling in the State of New Jersey, Carol and her entire staff of five PTs became certified in Dry Needling (CODN). Dry Needling was allowed in New Jersey until 2017 when the state attorney determined that the physical therapy written practice act had to be updated specifically stating Dry Needling as a manual therapy procedure. Dry Needling by Physical Therapists is allowed in 45 states.
Carol is a member of the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) with subgroup membership in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pelvic Health, and Private Practice.
Carol is a member and has been privileged to attend many medical and dental conferences including the Dawson Academy, the AAOP (American Academy of Orofacial Pain), the IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain). She has attended several airway and sleep dental conferences as well as attended several dental study groups. Carol is also certified in myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, myofunctional therapy, Buteyko Breathing Methods, and visceral manipulation.
After 41 years as a physical therapist with both dental and medical training, Carol has developed a passion and specialty for assessing chronic pain. As an expert in pain and movement physiology, identifying structural changes is only part of the puzzle. People in pain don’t move like people without pain. Getting to the root cause of chronic musculo-skeletal pain of a patient’s problem is often based on the invisible airway/anti-gravity, reflex driven, neuro-musculoskeletal system that is seldom fully considered, but is required for humans to function on this earth. Carol has gained key assessment skills which are both structural and neuro-muscular based. She works collaboratively with treating physicians and dentists. Carol treats all regions of the body with a specialty in TMD, oral facial pain, UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome), fragmented sleep, and cephalgias. She emphasizes identifying root cause, and applies the principle of restoring myofascial and neuro-muscular balance in the body. This applies to both autonomic and somatic nervous systems. Healing is about the patient. As a physical therapist, we are the coach and manual facilitator to give the patient control and the ability to heal themselves for the rest of their lives.