Rory Hume, DDS, PhD

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Rory Hume, DDS, PhD
Dean, University of Utah, School of Dentistry
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
8:30 a.m.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Scottsdale Princess Resort
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
“Dental education; where we have been, where we are going"
Dentistry emerged from apprenticeship and proprietary schools into the world of research universities in the 1920s and 30s due to Gies, mirroring Flexner's leadership in medicine. Great good came from that change. We are now at grave risk of abandoning that advance by sliding back into the world of profit-seeking, 'research university in name only proprietary schools.
  1. Why the true linkage of dental schools to research universities transformed our profession.
  2. How those advances are at risk.
  3. What we can do about it.
Learning Objectives: 
  1. How being part of research universities advanced dentistry's ability to care for people.
  2. Why those advances are now at risk from profit-seeking dental schools in 'research universities' in name only.
  3. What we, as leaders in our profession, can do to reverse the slide.
Dean, School of Dentistry, University of Utah.
Former Dean, School of Dentistry, University of California, Los Angeles.
About the Presenter:
Rory Hume was born in Australia, where he completed his dental training and a Ph.D. in physiology and pharmacology. After government service as a dentist in rural Australia, he came to UCLA as a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Medicine and was then hired by the UCLA School of Dentistry. He later served as Dean of Dentistry at the University of Sydney; as Chair of Restorative Dentistry at UCSF; and as Dean of Dentistry at UCLA. Through those years he was an active clinician and researcher and taught cariology, pulp biology, endodontics, and pharmacology. He then moved to full-time university-wide administration for fifteen years as a university provost and president. After retirement, he returned to dental education six years ago as Dean of Dentistry at the University of Utah.