James Suen, M.D.
Distinguished Professor
Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
3:00 p.m.
Friday, March 1, 2024
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Rosen Plaza Hotel
Orlando, Florida, USA
“When Dental Pain is Not of Dental Origin"
Facial pain frequently is thought to be caused by dental problems. After adequate dental evaluation and pathology is ruled out, it is helpful to know the possible causes. After treating over 500 patients with this situation, I have learned a lot on the diagnosis and treatment of the different causes. This information can help you in your practice and knowledge base.
Major Topics:
Trigeminal Neuritis
Atypical facial pain
Eagle's Syndrome
Atypical facial pain
Eagle's Syndrome
Learning Objectives:
- Different etiologies of facial pain
- How to diagnose and treat Trigeminal neuritis presenting with dental symptoms.
- When to consider Eagle's syndrome as the medical problem.
1. Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
2. Member and Past President of the American Head and Neck Society.
3. member of the American Academy of Otolaryngolgy-Head and Neck Surgery for over 50 years and was on the Board of Directors for over 5 years.
1. Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
2. Member and Past President of the American Head and Neck Society.
3. member of the American Academy of Otolaryngolgy-Head and Neck Surgery for over 50 years and was on the Board of Directors for over 5 years.
About the Presenter:
I am a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Was Chairman of the Department for 43 years.
Have published over 200 medical publications and Textbook chapters. Have edited 8 medical textbooks: 4 on Cancer of the Head and Neck; one on Emergencies in Otolaryngology; 2 on Vascular Malformations of the Head and Neck., and one on the Diagnosis and management of facial and head pain.
I have been listed in every edition of "Best Doctors" I was President Clinton's personal physician during his presidency. I have had patients come to me for treatment from over 20 foreign countries and over 35 states in the U.S.
I have held 4 different Academic Endowed Chairs and 2 different Distinguished Professorships.
I am still actively practicing , teaching , and doing research ( have had 3 NIH and NCI grants--one still ongoing)