Elizabeth A Krupinski, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
11:00 a.m.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
International Academy of Endodontics, Annual Meeting
The Scottsdale Princess
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
“What Medical Radiology has Learned about the Image Interpretation Process"
Medical images constitute a core portion of the information physicians utilize to render diagnostic and treatment decisions. At a fundamental level, the diagnostic process involves two aspects – visually inspecting the image (perception) and rendering an interpretation (cognition). Key indications of expert interpretation of medical images are consistent, accurate and efficient diagnostic performance, but how do we know when someone has attained the level of training required to be considered an expert? How do we know the best way to present images to the clinician in order to optimize accuracy and efficiency? The advent of digital imaging in many clinical specialties, including radiology, pathology and dermatology, has dramatically changed the way that clinicians view images, how residents are trained, and thus potentially the way they interpret image information, emphasizing our need to understand how clinicians interact with the information in an image during the interpretation process. With improved understanding, we can develop ways to further improve decision-making and thus improve patient care.
Medical Image perception
Visual search
Nature and types of errors
Development of expertise
Role of fatigue
Attendees will:
- Gain an understanding of the role of visual search in medical image interpretation and how it relates to errors
- Appreciate the impact of fatigue on medical image interpretation will be discussed
- Generate ideas for medical image perception research in endodontics
Emory University
About the Presenter:
Dr. Krupinski is a Professor and Vice Chair for Research at Emory University in the Departments of Radiology & Imaging Sciences, Psychology and Medical Informatics. She received her BA from Cornell, MA from Montclair State and Ph.D. from Temple, all in Experimental Psychology. Her interests are in medical image perception, observer performance, medical decision making, and human factors. She is Associate Director of Evaluation for the Arizona Telemedicine Program. She has published extensively in these areas and has presented at conferences nationally and internationally. She is Past Chair of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Past President of the American Telemedicine Association, President of the Medical Image Perception Society, and Past Chair of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine. She serves on a number of editorial boards for both radiology and telemedicine journals and is the Co-Editor of the Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare. She serves regularly as a grant reviewer for the NIH, DoD, TATRC and other federal, state and international funding agencies and has served as a member of a number of FDA review panels.